
This site was initially populated with material Mason collected. Now it is up to the community of scholars (you) to make this a living resource by making sure your best material is included here. As you can see, we can include exercises, readings, videos, simulations.

To submit new material, please use the web form at this link. We will then use that to set up a new post on this site.

Please let me know of any suggestions you may have!

Russ Coff

6 thoughts on “Submit

  1. Hi, Russ, I curate a Facebook page to generate strategic management discussion outside of class on current news events. It may be useful to other strategy faculty in providing fresh ideas for class discussion and would be enriched by comments from other faculty.

  2. Dear Dr. Coff,

    Thanks for putting all these resources together to share with the community. I just found the above website for creating some word puzzles for teaching. I have created the following if someone doesnot want to make up their own for teaching the notion of strategy.
    You can either keep the key words from the students or give them to the class.

    Strategy puzzle game

    Step 1: identify as many words that are related to the notion of strategy as possible from the puzzle below.
    Step 2: rank these words as to their closeness in association with the notion of strategy and explain why the reason behind the ranking.

    K P O W J U A L X F N M S K L
    S V I S T P L A N O E K I M M
    P E H V E A A T I U S A J N C
    O J I E M G C T Z I U F R O O
    S E I T N I A T R E C N U I N
    I U A Z I L G T I B H R S T N
    T U L V U L R N N C E F L I E
    I U F C Y M I E I A S P A T C
    O Z E D R D N B S M V L O E T
    N P S L A V I R A O I D G P I
    S C I M A N Y D F P U T A M O
    L I M I T A T I O N A R I O N
    C O N S I S T E N C Y C C C S
    S T S I G E T A R T S C B E L
    S D S N M T R A D E O F F V S


  3. This is in response to the “Amazon’s New Spin” post from Nov 5, 2019 by Russ Coff. I am FedEx route consultant that helps others buy and sell FedEx Ground routes I also once owned and operated FedEx Ground routes for 5 years. It must be noted that these routes require a ton of capital to be invested and a significant amount of sweat equity by the owner in order to make a decent profit. To mitigate risk of not performing (and then risk having your contract taken away), many owners are now overstaffing which hurts the profitability and overall value of the routes.

    Visit us here to learn more:

    • Thanks for chiming in. Your comment is very helpful. I had a sense that it was not overwhelmingly attractive for drivers.

      And yet, I see so many more Amazon trucks on the road. I wonder if they sweetened the deal to get more takers…

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