Melissa’s Marvelous Movies: The Innovation Collection

As many of us prepare to move our strategy courses online, we need video “shorts” that introduce core strategy principles to go along with key readings. By now, you may have already seen collections by David Kryscynski, Shad Morris, and others in the toolbox. In an earlier post, Melissa Schilling provided a set of videos oriented around a basic strategy course. Now, she has provided an additional set oriented around innovation strategy. Below is her video introducing individual creativity as a sample.

In addition, she covers the following topics that may be useful for an innovation course (note that there is some overlap with her strategy collection):

Contributed by Melissa Schilling

1 thought on “Melissa’s Marvelous Movies: The Innovation Collection

  1. Pingback: Melissa’s Marvelous Movies: The Strategy Collection | Carpenter Strategy Toolbox

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